The Grafische Werkplaats manages the ink garden in the de Horst district park in Mariahoeve in collaboration with the Tuinen van Mariahoeve. This painting garden is a raised and deposited circle with a diameter of 6 meters and is divided into different pie points trimmed with willow trees. Wede, Madder, Tansy and Ox tongue grow there. The workshop itself takes care of the management and maintenance of the circle and has set up a working group with volunteers for this purpose.

Target if the ink garden
The Grafische Werkplaats as a center of expertise wants to have the knowledge of working with natural inks in house and make it available to others by providing information about it, organizing workshops and having the right materials in house, etc. Having the plants yourself contributes to this.
Natural inks and the dye garden
Examples natural inks in workshop making natural inks

Silkscreening with natural inks
We mainly use the harvest to make ink for screen printing on paper and fabric. We do this with the plants that grow in the garden, but can also be found elsewhere. Curious? View the various sample books in the werkplaats or purchase a mini sample book in the web store.
Do you want to help in the painting garden?
During the gardening season (March-October), two people work on the garden for two hours every two weeks. Would you like to participate? Knowledge and experience is not necessary. Email to
The painting garden is located in neighborhood park De Horst, the neighborhood park behind the shopping center Het Kleine Loo and the Diamantcollege The circle is next to the blue play castle.
Working in our dye garden

harvesting woad