During the Escher workshops of the Grafische Werkplaats, participants created textures with Escher as a source of inspiration. These textures are digitized and Jason Terlouw then processes them in an animation as surfaces of a virtual space. In a boundless space, a path is clear that goes on forever.
Jason Terlouw’s animation is projected on an outside window of the workshop during the dark days of the year and below

Finissage Escher anno nu
Eight contemporary makers from The Hague investigate what the theme of infinity means in their work in relation to graphics and the work of Escher: Bahman Eslami, Jason Terlouw, Paul de Jong, Moe Kim, Miranda Meijer, Annemarie Slobbe, Ivo Brouwer and SOGOshow. During HOOGTIJ it is the last chance to view this exhibition.
During a working period in the Grafische Werkplaats, they were encouraged and supported to discover new graphic techniques and use them for new work around the theme of infinity. After an introduction to the graphic technique of their choice, the artists entered the workshop this summer and were given the freedom to work on their project. In this way they show Escher’s infinity, not only technically, but also philosophically. Seen untill 1 dec 2023.

This project was made possible by the Municipality of The Hague.