Its facilities and extensive knowledge of printing techniques make the Werkplaats a unique and necessary link within the The Hague makers climate. There is no other place in The Hague with the machines, expertise and possibilities in the field of large format screen printing, textile printing, etching, relief printing, lithography, riso printing and photography darkroom. There is no other place in The Hague with the machines, expertise and possibilities in the field of large format screen printing, textile printing, etching, relief printing, lithography, riso printing and photography darkroom.
Makers can come and work with all graphic techniques in the Werkplaats and we also organise various courses and workshops. There are regular exhibitions and lectures.
New years event 2025
Great news. Grafische Werkplaats prints on in 2025! First of all, though a bit late, we wish you a wonderful […]
Grafische Werkplaats prints on!
Great News. Grafische Werkplaats prints on! November 28th we’ve received a letter from Gemeente Den Haag with the confirmation that […]
Holidays at Grafische Werkplaats
Grafische Werkplaats is closed from December 23rd ’24 – January 5th ’25. Self supporting people that want to work in […]
From our knowledge blog
Meer over natuurlijke inkten
Ter gelegenheid van de expositie Dogs Tails and Rabbit Furs van Leonie Brandner en Elizabeth Williams de Garcia organiseerden we […]
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Grafische Werkplaats
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